And we're back in the game!

'Sentinelle' Oil on wood panel. 104x36cm.
And we're back in the game!
Gosh its been a while hasn't it?  I hope your'e all ok and are having a good summer. We're just back from a rollicking few days away with a jolly good friend and fellow artist, christopherrichards, his work is quite magical!

Taking bikes away with us we went on some wonderful adventures! Using an app that is supposed to work out a suitable route depending whether one is on a road or mountain bike etc. We were following it's instructions across increasingly unpredictable terrain, through a slurry soaked field, along the top of a cliff, down a road clearly marked as private, then along what started as a track through a woods and ended up in becoming an impenetrable thicket!
Carrying the bikes over a large fallen tree, through brambles and finally over a kissing gate! With nettles and ferns wrapped around our gears we emerged at the coast covered head to toe in mud! Whilst locking up the bikes to spend a while on the beach a cyclist came over and asked how we had come from the footpath we had just staggered out of. He looked impressed like we were the most hardcore of off-roaders!
We returned to the campsite via a different route!
Above 'Procne' flies a last flitting dance of summer.
So back to business! We are delighted to announce our first Saturdays open studio is back and this time open Sunday too! The 5th and 6th September  10-5. Nick and I shall be opening our doors for the first time in 5 months! We have new work aplenty (see Sentinelle and Procne above and Rubus below)  and are bursting with enthusiasm! 

In line with Covid guidelines we shall be operating a one way system and ask all visitors to wear masks.
'Rubus'. Oil on aged plywood panel. 28x42cm. 
'Talia Terida'. Acrylic on canvas 107x61 cm.  Nick Andrew
Our book 'The Winter Visitor' is still available and can be brought here .
'The Winter Visitor' book cover