The Winter Visitor!

'Whooper' Oil on reclaimed wood. 98x100cm
The Winter Visitor
Wow, this has come around fast! Felt like we had weeks but here we are on the cusp of our exhibition (knuckles only slightly white) and book launch! As I mentioned in my last news letter, Nick had written a children's book for all ages 1-100 and beyond, for which I have painted the illustrations. They will be on show, along with Nick's drawings and paintings at shaftesbury arts centre from 26 February - 10 March! The story is set on a chalk stream much like the one that runs by our studio, so 10% of the profits will go the the Wessex Chalk Streams and Rivers Trust charity!

The books came back from the printers this week and we're delighted with how they look. After weeks of work and a deadline just days away, it was a big relief to receive them. You'll be glad to hear we are still talking and not a drop of blood was shed!

We shall be officially launching the book on Friday 28 February 5.30-7.30, During which time wine shall be flowing! If you are unable to make the launch or the exhibition, copies of The Winter Visitor can be purchased online from Copies will also be available from 
  • Bull Mill Studio, Crockerton, Warminster. BA12 8AY (at our First Saturdays open studios or at other times by arrangement. Tel: 07730 400784)
  • Shaftesbury Arts Centre, Bell Street, Shaftesbury. SP7 8AR during our ‘The Winter Visitor’ Exhibition 26 Feb – 10 March). See exhibition card here.
  • First View Gallery, Spread Eagle Courtyard, N T Stourhead, BA12 6QE
'Prowler' Oil on reclaimed wood. 
Nick's winter drawings and paintings are I think some of his finest, the bold winter colours, gnarly shapes of leafless trees and frost tipped grasses are depicted to perfection!
'Atimara'. Acrylic on canvas  76x76cm
Showing no fear of multi tasking and with a cavalier attitude towards 'less is more', we shall also be holding our first Saturdays open studio on March 7th 10-5 at
'Mutera and Rolo'. Oil on reclaimed wood
The dates you need!
Wednesday 26 February - Tuesday 10 March shaftesburyartscentre 
Friday 28 February 5.30-7.30 Book Launch  shaftesburyartscentre  
Saturday 7 March  10-5
 Open Studio
!  bullmillarts