Happy New Year, See you on the other side!

'Isisa' Oil on Found wood. 45x45 cm
Lawks! That was a blast wasn't it?
Where am I, how did I get here? I'm so confused! I think it's the total change to routine plus drinking my own body weight in homemade cider for the last 2 weeks. I feel a New Year's resolution coming on! And definitely back to the gym, power lifting with my bestie Suzan is worth staying sober for!

Now back to work! I'm absolutely not complaining though, I feel so lucky to do the job I love, ok sometimes I can't afford food and the joys of being self employed means working 7 days a week but that's a fair exchange! 
'Artemis' Oil on reclaimed wood. 110x100cm

We have so much coming up this year! As tradition dictates we have our winter sale due to start on the 4th January - 1st February. Nick is celebrating his 40th year in business as a freelance fine artist with a sale of epic proportions! He is reducing work to 40% of their value! I too shall be jumping on the bandwagon and reducing a selection of (mostly) larger work. We shall be open every Saturday (other days by arrangement) from the 4th January! 
Hot off the press! 
Nick and I have an exhibition starting the end of February at Shaftesbury Arts Centre Gallery shaftesburyartscentre!
I've been working on a series of illustrations for a project that I hope to launch soon! More on this in my next newsletter!
Above: 'Mani' Oil on reclaimed wood. 200x60cm  
Nick's getting his sale page up and running www.nickandrewsale.wordpress.com. So if you ever hankered after one of his vibrant dreamlike paintings, now's the time to seize the opportunity!!!
'St James's Park (Winter Sun)'. Acrylic on canvas 92x46cm
So, without further ado, I should like to wish you all a very Happy New Year! Looking forward to seeing you on the other side!
The dates you need!
Saturday 4 January - Saturday 1 February  10-5 Open Studio Sale!  bullmillarts
Wednesday 26 February - Tuesday 10 March shaftesburyartscentre

Please visit www.tanyahinton.jimdo.com or www.facebook.com/tanyahinton to see lots more. And www.nickandrew.co.uk to view Nick's work.

If you would like more information, please call me on 07713 277083 or email tanyahinton@btinternet.com 

Find us off the A350. 1 mile south of Warminster. Look out for our sign and balloons. Follow the lane to the studio. Bull Mill Studio, Bull Mill Lane, Crockerton. Wiltshire. BA12 8AY

My work can also be seen at the following galleries;

 Bull Mill Arts Crockerton Wiltshire. First Saturday of each month 10-5 or by appointment.